Moment's Peace Craft Cannabis

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Terpenes are a thing

Half of a molecule of cannabis is actually a terpene. Terpenes provide the smell and taste of cannabis - as they do to many other plants, as well. For plants, terpenes help them thrive by attracting beneficial pollinators and repelling pests. For us humans, they provide the flavor and taste that makes cultivars unique and that enhance our experience.

Scientists are discovering that terpenes can also have beneficial health effects. There’s always more to learn about cannabis — and more will be learned as federal regulations are loosened enough to allow people to study it.

Meantime, we love to track the terpenes in our cultivars. They’re like a unique signature of the natural plant. Our Trop Haze cultivar is high in naturally-occurring Limonene. Limonene gives it a citrusy smell and taste. So cool! It also tests high in naturally-occurring Myrcene and Caryophellene. Check out this summary by Leafly. Which terpenes are your favorite?

